After Losing Virginity I Dont Want to Have Sex Again
Regret losing your virginity?
You had sex, and now you wish y'all hadn't - it's common to regret losing your virginity. Stop beating yourself upwards, the reality of losing it is often nothing like the fantasy.
You lot can't change the past.
Losing your virginity is a massive deal and information technology generally can exist a major disappointment. But don't permit a bad showtime experience damage your self-worth and put you off sex for life. It does get better. Honest.
I lost my virginity and the sex was terrible
Sex activity was built up to be an intense, pleasurable experience. Instead it was awkward, clumsy, and maybe a little bit painful, so at present you're wondering:
a) if you did it wrong, and
b) what the hell all the fuss is virtually?
Kate Monro, an author who spent years researching virginity, says you shouldn't let a bad start time put yous off. "Don't expect fireworks," she says. "Like any other skill, sex is something you get better at over time. Don't employ your virginity every bit a barometer of how proficient your sexual activity life is going to exist."
Think about what may take made the sex so depressingly un-earth moving. Were you comfortable plenty with your partner? Was in that location enough foreplay? Did yous really feel set? Learn from the experience, and if you feel you want to, attempt again (and again) and run into if you can improve things.
I lost my virginity and was treated like crap/ignored subsequently
Ouch. This will sting. No dubiousness you feel used, only more than annoyingly probably nevertheless a piffling bit in dearest with the person. You may be even because sleeping with them once more to mend things. Unfortunately, this is 1 of those awkward situations where the only positive outcome is you learn some valuable lessons.
"People carry actually badly around sexual activity," says Agony aunt, Anita Naik. "Even if y'all trust the person they can still permit you down. But beating yourself upwardly will get yous nowhere. Learn from information technology and make sure you know exactly where y'all stand with the next person you slumber with."
I lost my virginity and at present people are spreading rumours about me
Sex is a complicated activity involving organs that tend to misbehave. Whether you come as well quickly, have massive bollocks, a fanny that doesn't smell of Chanel No.five, hairy nipples or pull odd faces when you orgasm – all this is normal. Even so information technology'due south humiliating and securely upsetting if your sex activity partner broadcasts your personal details to the entire school/college/cyberspace/universe. How do you live down the rumours?
"You just have to ignore them and put it down to experience," Anita says. "As with well-nigh rumours, it will be nearly someone else next calendar week and will blow over."
People will quickly forget nearly your supposed flappy fanny or pea-sized penis, but your emotional scars may have longer to heal. Again, yous tin can merely learn from the situation. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, you're not a freak, and you can rest assured what you think is a terrible deformity is probably pretty mutual.
I wasn't set for sex and regret losing my virginity
You idea you were, or maybe you knew you weren't but did it anyway to please somebody. Either way, you slept with someone before you were 'set up' and now yous're scared you have to exercise it again.
Firstly, don't succumb to pressure to have more sex activity a second time. Sex isn't a merry-go-circular ride you lot're non allowed off once yous've hopped on. Exist honest with your partner and explain yous may demand more time. If you don't feel comfortable having this conversation then yous're probably non ready to have sex activity with them.
Information technology's likewise worth looking back to understand what put you off having sex again. Was it painful? Possibly y'all need more foreplay. Did your partner not make you feel loved plenty subsequently? Discuss what they tin practise to make you feel more secure.
Certain, it'south a shame your virginity loss had to be a tough life lesson instead of a pleasurable feel. But recollect information technology'south called a 'first' time for a reason. Sex is a massive learning process and losing your virginity is but the starting block to a life of enjoyable shags – as and when you're ready for them.
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