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How to Make A Spawn Point on Minecraft Server?

  • #1 Sep 23, 2012

    This is probably the wrong forum to post on, but I need a answer. I couldn't figure out what to post this under, so I just posted it here. But anyways, this is my question (if the title doesn't explain anything.) I have my own MC server, and I want to put a custom spawn point somewhere. I have all these signs (w/ rules) up, but when you spawn, you don't go to the signs unless your lucky. So, I need to know how to make a custom spawn point. Thanks!


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  • #2 Sep 23, 2012

    if you have essentials just type /setspawn (group)
    example my group is admin i type /setspawn admin and where you're standing that will be the new spawn point for the group admin
    if you want to use signs like command signs the type looking at the sign
    /commandsigns line1 /setspawn (group) and that should change the spawn for the group you type using a sign

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  • #3 Sep 23, 2012

    What kind of server are you running? Bukkit or vanilla? If bukkit, get the Essentials plugin and /setspawn to where ever you want people to spawn. I don't think you can do anything about that in vanilla.

    Ninja'd. Nice tattoos btw ^

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  • #4 Sep 23, 2012

    Well, Idk what server I'm running. I don't think I'm using Bukkit though. Luis, I've tried /setspawn in the actual Minecraft client and in the box in the Minecraft server. They both just say "Unknown command."

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  • #6 Sep 23, 2012

    Okay, that will work. I also forgot to mention something :P. I can only make 5 more posts until Sept 24, so yeah. Lol. But Jeeter, I would love instructions!

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  • #7 Sep 23, 2012

    By the way, will I have to install all my mods and extras all over again?

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  • #8 Sep 23, 2012

    If you use the vanilla server , download bukkit , you can add tons of plugins to help your world.
    and then download the essential plugin and do what i said in the first comment ^^

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  • #9 Sep 23, 2012

    Where would I download the essential plugin? And how would I install it?

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  • #10 Feb 26, 2013

    If you have Vanilla go to the place where you would like the spawn point to be. Type /spawnpoint. Be careful though, that only sets YOUR spawn not others. Download bukkit for plugins that will really help. I have a server with bukkit. I get lots of visitors.

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    Imagination is more important than knowledge itself- Albert Einstein

  • #12 Nov 6, 2013

    sigh i have the same problem help me... how do i set spawn 4 everyone im have a normal minecraft server not bukkit or vanilla

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  • #13 Nov 10, 2013

    sigh i have the same problem help me... how do i set spawn 4 everyone im have a normal minecraft server not bukkit or vanilla

    Vanilla is a normal minecraft server. Your spawnpoint for everyone on your server will be on a chunk (16x16 group of tiles). The only way to set a hard spawnpoint (exact coordinates) is through mods or plugins.

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  • #14 Jan 30, 2014

    You can use a program called MCEdit to edit your world's spawnpoint.

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  • #15 Jun 22, 2014

    Do /setworldspawn (coordinates for spawn point) to set the entire worlds spawn to a specific location
    (you can only do it from the server console. im not sure if you can do it from opped players)

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  • #16 Aug 8, 2014

    Thank you so much, just what I was looking for :D

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  • #17 Aug 26, 2014

    Can you help me set up a bukkit sever

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